Den Life – Interior Design Session

A fun and informative interior design session that lasts up to 2 hours and takes place face to face or virtually. Your consultation is completely bespoke and you dictate the discussion so we can make the most of your time together. Usual retail price £350 DEN LIFE Interiors is based in Brighton and Hove serving … Read more

Portside Personal Training

Group PT Sessions and 121 Personal Training Sessions A private PT studio that offers friendly and understanding personal trainers who will help you find a perfect fitness solution. Based at the Hove end of Shoreham Port with private parking.

Coached – One month transformation package worth £230

You don’t have to be a Hollywood A-Lister to rock the red carpet and look good naked. But you DO have to have an A-list entourage to get you there, keep you there, and catch you when you fall. And that, is where Coached comes in.

Coached is our name because that’s our sole focus, to coach you into the best shape of your life for the rest of your life — not just for the annual holiday or your best mates wedding.
And when we talk about shape we’re not just talking body. We’re talking mindset, attitude and emotional fitness, too. So if you’ve been wrestling with your weight, yo-yo-ing with your cardio, and struggling with your squats, do what the A-listers do, get yourself coached.